Brisbane, Australia


Brisbane, Australia

Imagine what God can do through you. By giving to FTFM, you help us spread the Good News around the world:

Bringing Salvation and Healing through the Gospel of Jesus Christ 

Bringing Faith and Breakthrough through God's Word to those in need

Supporting us conducting Gospel Crusades in Developing Nations


M  I  N  I  S  T  R  I  E  S

Imagine what God can do through you. By giving to FTFM, you help us spread the Good News around the world:

Bringing Salvation and Healing through the Gospel Of Jesus Christ 

Bringing Faith and Breakthrough through God's Word to those in need

Supporting us conducting Gospel Crusades in Developing Nations


M  I  N  I  S  T  R  I  E  S

Imagine what God can do through you. By giving to FTFM, you help us spread the Good News around the world:

Bringing Salvation and Healing through the Gospel Of Jesus Christ 

Bringing Faith and Breakthrough through God's Word to those in need

Supporting us conducting Gospel Crusades in Developing Nations

"The Harvest Is Ripe, The Time Is Now"

Dear Friend,

We want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your interest in and your support for our ministry.

Your donation will help us continue to build this exciting work in very needy nations and reach our goal of winning 5 million souls.

We know that God has blessed you for this purpose as His Word tells us He "Supplies Seed To The Sower".

We know He will bless you for your generosity for"Whoever sows generously will also reap generously".

So we sincerely pray according to His Word that God "will increase your store of seed, ...enlarge the harvest of your righteousness, ...and generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."          (2 Corinthians 9:6-11)

God bless you extraordinarily

Yours for the Harvest

Carl & Fiona Butler

Fan The Flame Ministries


Bank Transfer Details

Fan the Flame Ministries 

BSB: 064203 ACC:10187094

SWIFT code is CTBAAU2S (International transfer only)

Pay Pal - Click on Donate Button


The Harvest Is Ripe, The Time Is Now

Dear Friend,

We want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your interest in and your support for our ministry.

Your donation will help us continue to build this exciting work in very needy nations and reach

our goal of winning 5 million souls.

We know that God has blessed you for this purpose as His Word tells us God "Supplies Seed To The Sower".

We know He will bless you for your generosity as "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously".

So we sincerely pray according to His Word that God 

" will increase your store of seed, ...enlarge the harvest of your righteousness,...and generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others."

(2 Corinthians 9:6-11)

Yours for the Harvest

Carl & Fiona Butler

Fan The Flame Ministries

I'd like to give

Payment options: Bank Transfer,

Paypal, Debit/Credit Card


Fan the Flame Ministries 

BSB: 064203 ACC:10187094

SWIFT code is CTBAAU2S (International transfer only)

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