Brisbane, Australia


Brisbane, Australia



Connect with Carl and Fiona and keep up to date on their latest ministry travels, gospel crusades, church ministry engagements, teachings, and seminars. Carl and Fiona share gems from the journey.

Ministry Workshops

Moving in the Miraculous

Effective Evangelism

Discover your Destiny

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping and empowering the church.

Ministry Workshops

Authentic Christianity

Ministering With Integrity

 Winning Your Workplace

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping, and empowering the church.


Connect with Carl and Fiona and keep up to date on their latest ministry travels, gospel crusades, church ministry engagements, teachings, and seminars. Carl and Fiona share gems from the journey.

Ministry Workshops

Moving in the Miraculous

Effective Evangelism

Discover your Destiny

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping and empowering the church.

Ministry Workshops

Authentic Christianity

Ministering With Integrity

 Winning Your Workplace

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping, and empowering the church.

Media Messages

Watch media messages from Carl & Fiona

Over 23 years as an Evangelist, Carl has preached regularly in many meetings around the World. Fiona is particularly fashioned for cross-cultural ministry, having lived with

people groups from all over the world and served in their local communities.

E Course

Are you looking for a balanced and faith-building training seminar? Carl teaches healing from a Biblical foundation, exploring it in relation to faith, medicine, and the demonic, in a modern world.

New Book Release

Fiona writes about her incredible story of coming to faith, after enduring a difficult start to life. She openly shares the challenging events that followed, illustrating how our loving Father wonderfully weaves all things together for the good of those who love Him.

Media Messages

Watch media messages from Carl & Fiona

Over 23 years as an Evangelist, Carl has preached regularly in many meetings around the World. Fiona is particularly fashioned for cross-cultural ministry, having lived with

people groups from all over the world and served in their local communities.

E Course

Are you looking for a balanced and faith-building training seminar? Carl teaches healing from a Biblical foundation, exploring it in relation to faith, medicine, and the demonic, in a modern world.

New Book Release

Fiona writes about her incredible story of coming to faith, after enduring a difficult start to life. She openly shares the challenging events that followed, illustrating how our loving Father wonderfully weaves all things together for the good of those who love Him.


Connect with Carl and Fiona and keep up to date on their latest ministry travels, gospel crusades, church ministry engagements, teachings, and seminars. Carl and Fiona share gems from the journey.

Ministry Workshops

Moving in the Miraculous

Effective Evangelism

Discover your Destiny

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping and empowering the church.

Ministry Workshops

Authentic Christianity

Ministering With Integrity

 Winning Your Workplace

Practical and powerful seminars inspiring, equipping, and empowering the church.

Media Messages

Watch media messages from Carl & Fiona

Over 23 years as an Evangelist, Carl has preached regularly in many meetings around the World. Fiona is particularly fashioned for cross-cultural ministry, having lived with

people groups from all over the world and served in their local communities.

E Course

Are you looking for a balanced and faith-building training seminar? Carl teaches healing from a Biblical foundation, exploring it in relation to faith, medicine, and the demonic, in a modern world.

New Book Release

Fiona writes about her incredible story of coming to faith, after enduring a difficult start to life. She openly shares the challenging events that followed, illustrating how our loving Father wonderfully weaves all things together for the good of those who love Him.

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