Brisbane, Australia


Brisbane, Australia


“I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.”

Daniel 4:2


 “I want you all to know about the miraculous signs

and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.”

Daniel 4:2  


Morgan City, Louisiana USA

I want to share with you a little bit of a testimony that has started since you have left our city. God has done amazing things in my life. During the last night that you shared at our church, God really shot me. I felt when you had laid hands on me that there was a change in my spirit. I felt bolder and stronger. I felt that I was seeing clearly what God wanted to do in my life. Since that day I have seen many things happen. God has been using me in such amazing ways. I have been in Guatemala for the last two months as a student for a mission organization called ‘Go To Nations’ and I can praise God because he has used me in ways I thought I could never be used. I have been ministering in a remote village here where they have never heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but so far I have seen people rise from their death bed, we have seen many salvations through testimonies of healings, miracles, and deliverance that God has done. …… I tell you all of this to also tell you to thank you, thank you for allowing God to use you in a way that not only impacts the world but everyone that you come in contact with. I believe in your ministry and I hope that one day our paths shall cross again, maybe even on the field. So again, thank you for shining your light, because it really made an impact on my life.

Healing and Hope festival

Mbale, Uganda

There were also great testimonies of healings in this crusade, each stirring a mighty roar of praise from the crowd. Among them, a lady paralyzed by a stroke for over ten years was healed and appeared free from all symptoms. Also a boy who had been on crutches for some time due to a serious leg injury was healed. He walked without his crutches on stage and left the crusade unaided. A baby with a 'shrinking' sickness was very limp and weak but instantly became strong after prayer. Also among the miracles were two with our team members. Elizabeth was instantly healed of Crones Disease during the second crusade. She had suffered from this her whole life and endured a great deal of pain if she ate certain foods, especially during the last six years. She immediately ceased her medication and was able to cope with the greasy African food (which even gave my cast iron stomach pain for 5 days). Since returning home she has eaten all the perilous foods, remained well and been full of energy which the Crones had often sapped her of. Her doctor was lost for an explanation as tests found no trace of Crones disease in her body. Pat also testified to a miraculous immediate healing from a painful stiff neck. He had torn his neck muscle a few days earlier loading the truck


New Plymouth, New Zealand

A testimony from a partner: At a time when many businesses were affected by the global economic crisis, it is encouraging to hear stories of God's blessing on his people. Paul, having been a faithful friend and supporter to this and other ministries for several years, has seen God's abundant blessing regularly on his life and business. While I was staying in his city in April we prayed together on site over his business. Over the last six months there has been consistent good results. In fact God has been providing beyond expectations. Though Paul is up against many bigger companies in the same industry, while other businesses were doing it tough, his went from around 17th to the 3rd highest in the country at generating contracts with the finance companies on sales through his business.


Brisbane, Australia

"Carl was preaching at a service about healing. I remember there being a challenge regarding why we as Christians believe for forgiveness of our sins yet at times it stretches us to believe for physical healing. Carl challenged us to believe the gospel in its entirety. He laid hands and prayed for healing of a diagnosed yeast allergy which I had had. After believing I was healed, I went and ate some bread. Some of the old symptoms flared up so I took myself away to seek God about it. It occurred to me that all that could be done, had been done (ie someone prayed, laid hands, annointed me with oil and asked), now it was up to God and I either believed He had healed me or I did not. I chose to believe and in faith, went and ate a whole lot of cake (:)).. it had yeast in it... No further symptoms arose and have not since. This was over a year ago."

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